Gary The Buck

Gary The Buck
I am a handsome bitch

Friday, September 23, 2011

A Question in Etiquette

DEER GARY, Can you explain why North Americans use a fork in their right hand and Europeans, from whom many of us descend, always use the left hand?

Deer Person Who Should Spend His/Her Time Thinking About Better Things,
North Americans, in general, are just better so they can put a fork in whatever fuckin hand they want to put it in.  Be it the right hand the left hand or even if they want to put a fork in their ass makes no difference to me nor should it to you.  I suggest you pull your snotty little self out of your own ass and start concerning yourself with better things.  You're asking Gary about a fucking fork you fucking dickhead.  If I had a fork I would stab you with it.  First, with my right hoof, then with my left.  Then I would shove that fork so far up your snooty little nose that you would no longer worry about such trivial things.  I hate you.

You're Welcome,

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