Gary The Buck

Gary The Buck
I am a handsome bitch

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Who's In Line First?

Deer Gary
I frequently encounter this situation and I never know what to do. I was approaching the bank the other day and there was a man just ahead of me. Being polite, he opened the door for me and I entered the building.  
But this put me ahead of him in line which doesn't seem fair. He arrived first and I felt like he should be ahead of me in line. What is the proper etiquette for this situation? I would hate to make a man regret holding the door for a woman!

Deer.....I Don't Know or Care What Your Name is,
When Gary goes to the bank he wants to get in and out in the least amount of time with the least amount of hassle.  That means Gary is not interested in being behind some old lady counting change.  If it were me and I saw you entering the bank at the same as myself not only would I not hold the door for you but I would shove you out of the way, trample you, and then proceed with my business. Don't you have a hot niece or something that can do this shit for you?  At least it would make more sense for someone to hold a door.
Life is a contest deer reader.  Everything we do we are competing against someone or something else.  Time is our most valuable commodity. Save time, stop worrying about who's in line first, who opened what for whom, and blah blah blah.......My advice is to get back in your Buick, go home, get in your snuggy, and live out the rest of your ridiculous life watching Matlock, or The Golden Girls, or whatever it is you watch while you wait for meals on wheels.  Shit.

You're Welcome,


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