Gary The Buck

Gary The Buck
I am a handsome bitch

Monday, September 12, 2011

More Advice from Gary

Here's a sad little storyI think I can help though.
 Deer Gary,
I am a 27-year-old stay-at-home mom with three kids. Two are my fiance "Sean's"; the littlest is ours together. Sean and I have been together almost seven years.
I need help. I am a very depressed person and have been for many years. I shop excessively and spend way too much -- sometimes all of our money -- and I don't know how to stop. Shopping makes me feel happy, and when I'm depressed (which is often), I go out shopping for stuff I don't even need. I have even started shopping online for stuff. I feel horrible about this. Sean and I have tried separate bank accounts, but when I'd run low I would just tap right into his. Please help me. I don't know what to do.

Spend-a-Holic in Ventura, Calif.

Spend-a-Holic in Ventura, Calif.,
My advice isn't for you as much as it is for "Sean".  Sean, kick this woman out of your house before she completely drains your bank account, maxes out your credit cards, and cashes in your 401K.  She obviously can't balance her emotions much less a check book.  Take away her computer, her credit cards, and by all means tell her to get off her ass and get a job. By the way Spend a holic, the reason you're so depressed is because you're broke.  How about next time you feel depressed go buy something useful like a bottle of whiskey.  Drink a lot of it and pass out.  No shopping, no spending...simple. So simple in fact you're stupid for not thinking of it yourself. Oh yeah, I'm fairly certain "Sean's" kids are brats.  Yours probably is too.

You're Welcome,


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